Project Overview:
As part of its elections observation project, and in partnership with MEPI, I WATCH will support 20 local civil society organisation in observing the upcoming municipal elections. As I WATCH will not observe the elections, it will empower its 20 partners and equip them with the needed knowledge and skills to independently observe the municipal elections in their respective governorates. I WATCH will support its partners with the needed technical and financial requirements to be able to monitor the elections. Each partner organization will receive 4 trainings relate to management and elections monitoring, online trainings through a dedicated E-learning; in addition to a mini-grant of 5000 dinars to be able to cover all expenses related to elections observation.
I WATCH is looking for an IT company to support it develop two online platforms:
1- E-learning platform:
The platform will be implemented, set online and fully tested, according to the following requirements:
- Function “learning path” activated for the delivery of training contents;
- Customisation of the graphical interface according to the I WATCH Graphic identity;
- Implementation of the tracking service allowing the monitoring of the fruition by each user;
- Activation of all ancillary services foreseen by the platform like chat, forum, agenda, media centre, evaluation tests, quizzes and so on.
- Creation of the “self-registration” function.
- Should a new version of the same platform be released by the supplier within 8 months from the first installation, this installation will be upgraded to the new version;
Technical services
(all these services will be ensured for the whole duration of the project):
- Online technical support for users until the end of the project
- Maintenance of the system
- Hosting of the platform and of the contents
- Cyber security of the platform
The contract shall be concluded with the tenderer offering the best quality and value for money, provided at least one tenderer has submitted a compliant and satisfactory tender. The tenderers must be able to submit to the organisation a full operational online service for 30 September 2017 at the very latest, as a mandatory target, except for hosting services, system and software administration and maintenance if required, which will continue until 30 June 2018.
2- Data collection and visualization platform:
The platform will collect reports from elections observers and visualise them. The platform will be implemented, set online and fully tested, according to the following requirements:
- Collect reports form observers through SMS and/or web.
- Reports should be visualized realtime
- Notify subscribers to the platform
- Give different level of administration to I WATCH and its partners.
- Offer Extractable database
Technical services
(all these services will be ensured for the whole duration of the project):
- Online technical support for users until the end of the project
- Maintenance of the system
- Hosting of the platform and of the contents
- The cyber security of the platform
- A team of the IT company should be in the I WATCH headquarter during the elections day to give direct assistance.
The contract shall be concluded with the tenderer offering the best quality and value for money, provided at least one tenderer has submitted a compliant and satisfactory tender. The tenderers must be able to submit to the organisation a full operational online service for 27 October 2017 at the very latest, as a mandatory target, except for hosting services, system and software administration and maintenance if required, which will continue until 30 June 2018.
Both platform should be mobile friendly
Ownership of results
All the results of this subcontract including the platform and its contents will be the property of I WATCH organisation and will be transferred to I WATCH coordinator in the proper format upon a simple written request by the Coordinator.
I WATCH would reserve the right to choose two different companies for each of the platforms depending on the technical offers. Each company willing to bid for both platforms should still send a separate technical and commercial offer for each platform.
Interested companies should send their technical and commercial offers by Friday August 25 to under the email subject “call for tender 2017”